Count of Monte Cristo. I rented it almost 2 weeks ago and it had to go back soon so I figured I better finally watch it. Good thing Blockbuster has no late fees! Anyway, for those of you who have never seen it, here is a summary:
It is based on the novel by Alexandre Dumas, the same man who wrote The Three Musketeers. I haven't read this book yet, so I can't say if it is better than the movie, but I should say that the movie is pretty damn good. The plot is about a man who is wrongly imprisoned and who finally takes revenge on the people who put him there. It is basically a perfect movie. You got a hot guy, 3 bad guys including one guy who is evil because he can be, one guy who is evil because of ambition, and one super bad guy who has no human feeling at all and resents anybody else who does. Then you have epic romance, rags to riches, and famous historical figures (in the personage of Napoleon Bonaparte), all spiced with beautiful costumes and art direction, dramatic sword fighting, stunning revelations, and some twists and turns, and all in all it makes one of the most entertaining movies I have seen in recent years. Maybe that is why this is the third time I have rented it. Sigh. Maybe I should buy the damn thing!
Anyhoo, so that is why I didn't post last night.
As for today, well Ian fell on his face int the tub. It has happened before, I am always sitting right there. The reason this time was special is because when I pulled him out of the water he didn't even cry! He just spluttered a bit and then smiled and went right back to playing with his tub toys. What a brave boy I have!
He was chatting up a storm today too. Blablablablabla. Every time I looked at him he started blabbing on and on. He doesn't usually talk too much so that was nice. And he only got stuck under the tv 73 million times as apposed to his usual 86 billion times. Big improvement there, haha.
Oh, and he has managed to get on his hands and knees several times. He goes up and down like that and works his way backwards away from what he was trying to reach. Poor little guy. It's so cute when he gets frustrated.
So here's my pic for today. I think I am running out, I have taken lots more but I have to borrow the cable to get them on my computer so in the mean time we may need to go without for a while,
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