more even this time, and I figured out how to hold the
yarn two at a time, which helped prevent tangling and
sped things up a bit. So here's where I'm at:
(I need to get another stitch holder or something)
Here's a pic of me holding down the edge to see what it will look like when its hemmed:
I still need to do ties and pompoms, but I am bored with
it for right now, so maybe later.
I went to the Loop on Thursday for the first time. I had a
pretty good time. I don't get out much and it was nice
to talk to people who are interested in knitting. I didn't
want to work on That Hat so I brought like 50 different
potential projects, and ended up with one mitten cuff.
It was a good choice because I could work on it without
thinking and therefore participate in a conversation. I
met some very interesting people including two (2) guy
knitters. (!) Here's a pic of everybody once I thought to
take a pic (some people had left by then)
I have to say, I was interviewed for Book TV one time
when I was at Grant Mac. It was a bit of a surprise and
I vowed ever since then to never leave the house
without any makeup on in case I accidentally ended up
on TV. So that vow lasted like a week. Until Thursday
when I was at the Loop and a TV crew showed up. I
think they were filming a bit for some kind of lifestyle
show on French CBC. Luckily I'm only in the
background, and what with me not speaking French, they chose
not to interview me. (good thing too. I had a zit)
Anyway, it was wierd. So when it airs, I'll post a link.
I would love to be able to go on another Thursday, but
Travis is sailing on Monday until March and so I won't
have any convenient childcare. It won't be impossible,
though. I am sure I can figure something out.
Ian's new favourite game is Scary Monster, where he
puts a blanket over his head and runs around growling.
He is indeed Very Scary. It doesn't photograph well,
though. He just wants to hide from the camera lately.
He suddenly doesn't want his picture taken.
Or he tries to grab it.
He has his own camera, but I guess its not
as fun. It doesn't flash as often. I don't know why.
Anyway, he's not entirely opposed to me taking
pictures, he just wants pictures of what he wants. And
he wants a picture of Thomas. So here's Ian and
The weather is pretty lousy today. It's not cold out but
there's a blasting wind. It's pretty warm, and all the
snow is melting leaving patches of ickyness. Even the
big Mound of Crap has shrunk a fair bit. Maybe now I
will be able to back my car in without having to start
with the bumper buried in ice. Or whatever. I like
having something to blame for my parking. Anyway,
maybe I shouldn't complain too much, I know some of
my family are having it much worse. So you all can
have a look at the Melting Peak of Mount Knitchenette
(plus bonus pics of my front yard and the Snow Pile of
Crap) and eat your heart out.
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