I read Knitting Rules by the Yarn Harlot yesterday. I enjoyed it more than the other two books I have read by her, I think because there was more discussion on knitting. Instead of being about knitting as a philosophy, it was more about knitting as a hobby, and there was some advice etc. She must be very disorganised because she keeps losing her tape measure. She mentions it on her blog and she must have mentioned it six times in the book. Each time she mentioned it I laughed smugly to myself thinking I have never lost my tape measure. Mwahahahahahaha! So then I put Ian to bed last night and then sat down to check if my sock was ready to start the toe when lo and behold! No tape measure! Not in my purse, not on the couch, not on the end table, not in my pockets, nowhere! And as an added bonus, my beat up metal gauge checking thingamajiggy is missing too.
That's just what I get, isn't it!
I wasn't without options, however. I used the one out of Travis's tool box.
Speaking of my sock, it was time to do the toe, and now that sock is done. Soooo done. And I lurve it with all my heart and soul. I don't know why, but I love it more than my first ones. They are plain and grey and unremarkable entirely. And the yarn was cheaper. And I didn't do a better job on the heel and I think I did a worse job on the toe, (although I did master the Kitchener graft and didn't cop out with a 3 needle bind off). I think the reason I love them so much is because they seem so much thicker, warmer, and longer. They are just cozy as all heck. But you know, it may have to do with the plainness afterall.
As I mentioned earlier, I like the middle of knitting. I like to be in my groove. I don't like stopping and starting. And so as a result, circular stockinette has to be the single most gratifying thing on the entire earth that I can do. No purls or k2tog's or anything else to mess with my mojo. You could say the same about garter on straight needles but I think garter stitch is kinda fugly. Stockinette is perfect fabric, with row after row of perfect, neat little v's, nestled into one another. And the finer the fabric, the more satisfying it is. So that's why I like the sock so much. A whole lot of stockinette. (the heel messed with my groove a bit, but it made me feel smart, so I will forgive it)
Anyhoo, I did get the second sock started (although I got some housework done first... second sock syndrome hitting me right there hard) and I am back in my groove again. And I am thinking of making a sweater out of this yarn (Paton's Kroy Socks) I am thinking about a raglan with a simple crew neck and one inch ribbed cuff and waistband. Nevermind that I have no pattern, no clue on a sweater, and I am thinking of knitting a sweater for Travis (a large dude if I ever saw one) in stockinette out of sock yarn...
Am I a lunatic?
We will have to just put that on my future wish list I guess.
Whew, lots about knitting today. But what about Ian, all you Ianophiles are thinking! Well we had a great day today at the Dollar Store. I got him some magnetic letters for the fridge (he had some already but now we can spell stuff) We also saw this:

Yep. That's a Piecake pan. So maybe I should have got that for my Dad since he always used to try and get me to make him (or bring him) a piecake. The reason I didn't is because it is really cheap, you could tell by looking at it that it would just dissolve directly into your piecake.
Right after that Ian went over to a lady and yelled at her "Move Lady!!!" (she was in the way of our cart.) So I figured we should leave the store before we got in trouble for being rude to the other customers and taking pictures of the merchandise.
holy crap that is friggen funny! piecake!!!! i totally remember piecake!! i laughed for about ten minutes when i read that. and then i had one of those awkward moments with my roommate when i tried to explain to her what was so funny but i was laughing too hard and then she didn't think the story was funny at all because it is totally an inside joke..... ah, well. and ian yelling at the lady in the store is icing on the cake!!!
ha. no kidding. I would love to try a piecake. And maybe the fact eat it would dissolve would make the final product a piecake?!
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