Blog of Housewifery

I like to knit
I like to bake
But I'm a MOM
That takes the cake!

Sunday, July 27, 2008


They are telling us now that the harbour is safe for swimming in. They have even opened beaches in Point Pleasant and the Northwest Arm.

Don't believe me? Look here:


Seriously, ew.

I don't think running a sewage treatment plant for a few months makes up for 250 years of raw sewage, chemicals, and everything else you can think of being dumped in that water.

I am wondering, out of all the other Haligonians reading this (and I know there is only at least one, are you willing to go swimming in the harbour? Would you even take your shoes off at the beach? I will try and put a poll up and find out.


Anonymous said...

i have only seen that thing once but knowing the history of it, there is no way i would set foot in that water until it has had at least 5 years or so of treatment...... yuck!

RedFridayGirl said...

I would have to say NO!!! There is not enough purel in the world that I would even dip my big toe in the water.