Blog of Housewifery

I like to knit
I like to bake
But I'm a MOM
That takes the cake!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

No More Mr. Rice Guy

I'm such a hypocrite. I had all these grandiose plans to make all of Jamie's baby food, including cereal. But truth be told, I'm a lazy slacker. So I got him some baby rice cereal. He's been looking hungry lately. I feed him and feed him and feed him and he's still hungry. Anyway, I gave Ian rice at four months and Jamie is four and a half months old so I figured I would just go ahead with it.

The result? OM NOM NOM NOM NOM!!! He ate the whole tablespoon or so I gave him and cried for more. But I didn't give him any more. I just sat down and nursed him a whole bunch of times until bedtime. Basically, he ate the mush for supper and then guggled milk for the next hour and a half until bed time.

And then he slept until 5:15! Go baby!!

I am now looking forward to New and Improved Diaper Contents. Yay!

I can haz pablum?

Om nom nom nom!

Mastering his swallowing technique.

I hope you are all aware I AM handsome.

1 comment:

allymama said...

Yay Jamie!! And Mommy for getting a night's sleep!