I have finished another cross stitch, here it is to view!
Blog of Housewifery
I like to bake
But I'm a MOM
That takes the cake!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
New Artwork!
Well Ian went to the dentist today. He's fine. He got an xray and there are no problems.
I have finished another cross stitch, here it is to view!

I have finished another cross stitch, here it is to view!
Friday, July 6, 2007
I would have been done by now but I haven't been working on moving my posts like I should. Just be patient folks. Hope these pictures tide you over.
some of the photos are the same albums but they are updated. I don't know if you can read the captions and tags if you are not logged into facebook or not. but yeah. sorry folks. I will try to have it finished by the end of the summer so that I can unveil the new blog when I go home and start posting more frequently.
some of the photos are the same albums but they are updated. I don't know if you can read the captions and tags if you are not logged into facebook or not. but yeah. sorry folks. I will try to have it finished by the end of the summer so that I can unveil the new blog when I go home and start posting more frequently.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
I haven't forgotten this. I am still working on moving it elsewhere. In the mean time. Here are some pics stored on Facebook, which works unlike this lousy site. http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=9110&l=bcf8f&id=532665943 http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=7779&l=b0022&id=532665943 http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=7727&l=f07c0&id=532665943 http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=3870&l=7b829&id=532665943
There should be 4 links. Please let me know if they work or not.
There should be 4 links. Please let me know if they work or not.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
I've had it up to here.
I wanted to post some photos tonight but the my blog photos album is getting really full so I decided to split it up but i can't do that without deleting photos. Some of my early photos have been deleted in the process. And then I noticed some entries missing as well. I am a little aggravated at this blog right now. I am going to be spending some time over the next few days moving my posts one by one into blogger and moving the photos as well. I don't quite know how I will manage that yet, but I will see what I can do. In the mean time, Please stand by while technical difficulties ensue.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Sit your arse down.
We are on our third toilet seat and we desperately need a new one. (friday, woot) When we first moved in the toilet seat was one of those padded dealies which promptly cracked and was so gross that I insisted we chuck it. So I bought a wooden one, because I liked the wooden one in the upstairs bathroom. But it was a cheap wooden one that cracked right down the middle. At first I thought it was my imagination. There was no way my butt was being pinched. But then one day it split right in two. It was a deathtrap! I glued it shut but that didn't last. By the time Trav's parents came to visit last year it was hanging on by a hope and a prayer. I asked Trav to fix it but of course he procrastinated until his parents came and Robert fixed it for us.
The one we got to replace it was nice and heavy but unfortunately the cheap flimsy connectors couldn't handle the strain. Granted, it was getting a little loose and maybe I should have been more careful but one day I was sitting there and it just shot right out from underneath me! Believe me, that is not the best way to fall in a toilet. Anyway, it is, at the present time, merely placed gently on the bowl. We must pee with prudence. We must ca-ca with caution.
And hopefully when we get the new one this weekend it won't sit there until we have out of town visitors fix it out of pure desperation.
The one we got to replace it was nice and heavy but unfortunately the cheap flimsy connectors couldn't handle the strain. Granted, it was getting a little loose and maybe I should have been more careful but one day I was sitting there and it just shot right out from underneath me! Believe me, that is not the best way to fall in a toilet. Anyway, it is, at the present time, merely placed gently on the bowl. We must pee with prudence. We must ca-ca with caution.
And hopefully when we get the new one this weekend it won't sit there until we have out of town visitors fix it out of pure desperation.
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Happy Iaster!
Ok, now granted, it is not as much snow as you peopleout west saw. However, it is more snow than we've seen all year! And it all fell today. Good Saturday. Easter Saturday. Whatever you want to call it. It's still coming down too. Maybe I can sled Ian in the morning or something.
Speaking of Ian, the Easter bunny is bringing him a kite. Maybe snow shoes would have been a better choice. He is also getting some hotwheels and a chocolate truck. Yummers! I couldn't find any marshmallow peeps though. Oh well.
We coloured easter eggs today. They turned out ok. We got a great kit with markers that had stamps on the end so it was easier to be creative. I had to coerce Trav into helping and then Ian smashed his egg so he decided he didn't want to help anymore. Ian also smashed his own easter egg. It looked pretty good too. Sigh.
Oh well. Here are some pics from today.

Speaking of Ian, the Easter bunny is bringing him a kite. Maybe snow shoes would have been a better choice. He is also getting some hotwheels and a chocolate truck. Yummers! I couldn't find any marshmallow peeps though. Oh well.
We coloured easter eggs today. They turned out ok. We got a great kit with markers that had stamps on the end so it was easier to be creative. I had to coerce Trav into helping and then Ian smashed his egg so he decided he didn't want to help anymore. Ian also smashed his own easter egg. It looked pretty good too. Sigh.
Oh well. Here are some pics from today.
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Happy Birthday Chrys
I think I already used that title. About a year ago.
I've had this blog forever!
Any hoo, here is my update. I am working 14 hours tomorrow! Why you ask? Because it is time and a half ALL DAY and they were offering extra hours. Plus I get my regular pay for the day so the first 7.5 are DOUBLE time and a half. So I should be able to make, like, half my paycheck in one day, and therefore be able to avoid too many other extra hours this pay period. Yay!!
In Ian news, I want to provide a list of words he can say. I may forget some. I think I will add the list to the side of the blog over there. I have some photos too. The problem with photos is that I am pretty bored of the around the house photos, and I always forget to take the camera whenever I go anywhere. Boo. Either that or the battery dies. I have lots of pics on my phone but I don't know how to get them to the computer since stupid Aliant pay and talk doesn't allow mms or web access. Who ever thought I would actually WISH I was signed up with Telus??
So he's doing good. He had a bit of the sniffles. He also caught some kind of bug at the babysitters about 2 weeks ago. She and her kids wer feeling under the weather and one night he started crying in the night. I didn't go in there though because whenever I do he just ends up crying for like 3 hours and after about 5 mins he settled back down again. But in the morning when I went in he was all covered in barf. I felt really bad. I think I will feel bad about that until my dying day.
He was only sick that one time though. Trav caught it really bad and was sick for like a week. He went out on St. Paddy's day and came home with that stomach bug and he thought he had a really bad hangover but it turned out to be the virus. But for the first 48 hours he was swearing off drinking forever. Hahaha!
But they got over those sicknesses anyway and everybody here is healthy. Aside from the extra hours, work for me is going fine. I won a free tv the other day. They were giving away one entry for each extra hour worked over the weekend and since I worked 10 extra hours I got 10 extra tickets. And so I won a 19 inch lcd tv with built in dvd. Woot! (I hope it was for the hour I was in the Billing Queue and nobody noticed, and billing is closed on Sunday so I took zero calls and just sat there doing needlepoint. Mwahahahaha!)
Trav was all worked up about going to Russia in May/June but that got cancelled. He should be going to Norfolk/Boston coming up soon, for about 3 weeks. I am looking forward to it because he has not sailed in about a year, and believe me, having your hubby home all the time is not what being a navy wife should be about. I am really looking to a little Mom and Ian time (plus an excuse not to work any extra hours)
I also got new glasses. I don't have a pic here but you can check my Facebook because I am wearing it in that pick as well as the pic I have for MSN messenger. I got new glasses too. So now I can see you coming and hide.
I am pretty psyched too because my mom is coming to visit in May for Ian and my birthdays. Since Trav will be making it out there this summer to visit allayall it's nice to know that I get to see someone too.
Well I better run. I will try to get some pics posted and apparently we can embed video on here now (that will pick up the pace of this stupid site, I bet) So I will see if that works. Have fun folks!
PS: You have to host the video elsewhere. So I guess I will just keep linking to Myspace as I have been doing. Jerks.

I've had this blog forever!
Any hoo, here is my update. I am working 14 hours tomorrow! Why you ask? Because it is time and a half ALL DAY and they were offering extra hours. Plus I get my regular pay for the day so the first 7.5 are DOUBLE time and a half. So I should be able to make, like, half my paycheck in one day, and therefore be able to avoid too many other extra hours this pay period. Yay!!
In Ian news, I want to provide a list of words he can say. I may forget some. I think I will add the list to the side of the blog over there. I have some photos too. The problem with photos is that I am pretty bored of the around the house photos, and I always forget to take the camera whenever I go anywhere. Boo. Either that or the battery dies. I have lots of pics on my phone but I don't know how to get them to the computer since stupid Aliant pay and talk doesn't allow mms or web access. Who ever thought I would actually WISH I was signed up with Telus??
So he's doing good. He had a bit of the sniffles. He also caught some kind of bug at the babysitters about 2 weeks ago. She and her kids wer feeling under the weather and one night he started crying in the night. I didn't go in there though because whenever I do he just ends up crying for like 3 hours and after about 5 mins he settled back down again. But in the morning when I went in he was all covered in barf. I felt really bad. I think I will feel bad about that until my dying day.
He was only sick that one time though. Trav caught it really bad and was sick for like a week. He went out on St. Paddy's day and came home with that stomach bug and he thought he had a really bad hangover but it turned out to be the virus. But for the first 48 hours he was swearing off drinking forever. Hahaha!
But they got over those sicknesses anyway and everybody here is healthy. Aside from the extra hours, work for me is going fine. I won a free tv the other day. They were giving away one entry for each extra hour worked over the weekend and since I worked 10 extra hours I got 10 extra tickets. And so I won a 19 inch lcd tv with built in dvd. Woot! (I hope it was for the hour I was in the Billing Queue and nobody noticed, and billing is closed on Sunday so I took zero calls and just sat there doing needlepoint. Mwahahahaha!)
Trav was all worked up about going to Russia in May/June but that got cancelled. He should be going to Norfolk/Boston coming up soon, for about 3 weeks. I am looking forward to it because he has not sailed in about a year, and believe me, having your hubby home all the time is not what being a navy wife should be about. I am really looking to a little Mom and Ian time (plus an excuse not to work any extra hours)
I also got new glasses. I don't have a pic here but you can check my Facebook because I am wearing it in that pick as well as the pic I have for MSN messenger. I got new glasses too. So now I can see you coming and hide.
I am pretty psyched too because my mom is coming to visit in May for Ian and my birthdays. Since Trav will be making it out there this summer to visit allayall it's nice to know that I get to see someone too.
Well I better run. I will try to get some pics posted and apparently we can embed video on here now (that will pick up the pace of this stupid site, I bet) So I will see if that works. Have fun folks!
PS: You have to host the video elsewhere. So I guess I will just keep linking to Myspace as I have been doing. Jerks.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Thief of Posts
Ever since we joined facebook we don't want to post blog entries. Neither does my sister but she got up the gumption to do it. So I am going to plaigarize her blog entry. I will make some changes to it so it is about me instead. Here Goes!
This thing is evil, facebook I mean. It has taken me away from my duties as a wife and DRINKER. I wake up and check for FLEAS, and have realised there have been NO updates to my own blog as well as everyone elses since facebook has taken over our lives.
I woke up ONE NIGHT and could not sleep. I was HUNGOVER and was getting kicks from THE CAT to feed her as well. Not to mention...still itchy from this lovely HAVEN'T CHANGED MY SHEETS that I have on my BED, PILLOWS AND UM, UH, COUCH. (no worries, not contagious or harmful to THE BEDBUGS) that keeps me up at night. So I got out of bed, got a big glass of WINE, some BEER and yet ANOTHER green GLASS OF ABSINTHE (which I can't get enough of) and sat at the computer trying not to PLAY BEJEWELLED. I, now being selfless so the first time am realizing the sacrifices that means..no CHINKY CHINKY NOISES TO RELIEVE THE BOREDOM..I want VODKA, but I know that means MOMMA wants A PARALYZER (ech). Good thing for HOMO milk..at least I can JUST BUY THE ONE JUG and MOMMA gets its BOOZE. (besides a THERE'S SOME LEFT FOR IAN'S SIPPY CUP and its not so bad, and the SHAKES is gone!!!).
On the computer I stay till TRAVIS wakes up to go to work. He feels sorry for me, but I'm glad I didn't wake him because he has to NAP AT work this am. At least I don't and I work A BORING JOB WHERE I JUST GOOF OFF, so I can have a good long nap this afternoon.
One more week till another POST comes up here..I'm postponing it due to the aforementioned HANGOVER. I'm hoping it will be gone by next SEASON, which is also my birthday. I'd like to have a good RUMMY shot for that. We'll see!
Anyways I don't know how many people will read this due to the facebook epidemic, but I'll throw it out there to see!
Cross your LEGS for warmer weather soon! it's 3 AND RAINING right now, and after yet another dump of SUNSHINE last week, I sure hope we get back to the BEACH stage quickly! Its SPRING isn't it?!
Ok. I don't really drink that much. I have some red wine from time to time with meals but that's about it. But I thought it would be funny to change Adrienne's post to make it look like I'm a Booze Bag.
Hope you like it and it brings you a laff!
This thing is evil, facebook I mean. It has taken me away from my duties as a wife and DRINKER. I wake up and check for FLEAS, and have realised there have been NO updates to my own blog as well as everyone elses since facebook has taken over our lives.
I woke up ONE NIGHT and could not sleep. I was HUNGOVER and was getting kicks from THE CAT to feed her as well. Not to mention...still itchy from this lovely HAVEN'T CHANGED MY SHEETS that I have on my BED, PILLOWS AND UM, UH, COUCH. (no worries, not contagious or harmful to THE BEDBUGS) that keeps me up at night. So I got out of bed, got a big glass of WINE, some BEER and yet ANOTHER green GLASS OF ABSINTHE (which I can't get enough of) and sat at the computer trying not to PLAY BEJEWELLED. I, now being selfless so the first time am realizing the sacrifices that means..no CHINKY CHINKY NOISES TO RELIEVE THE BOREDOM..I want VODKA, but I know that means MOMMA wants A PARALYZER (ech). Good thing for HOMO milk..at least I can JUST BUY THE ONE JUG and MOMMA gets its BOOZE. (besides a THERE'S SOME LEFT FOR IAN'S SIPPY CUP and its not so bad, and the SHAKES is gone!!!).
On the computer I stay till TRAVIS wakes up to go to work. He feels sorry for me, but I'm glad I didn't wake him because he has to NAP AT work this am. At least I don't and I work A BORING JOB WHERE I JUST GOOF OFF, so I can have a good long nap this afternoon.
One more week till another POST comes up here..I'm postponing it due to the aforementioned HANGOVER. I'm hoping it will be gone by next SEASON, which is also my birthday. I'd like to have a good RUMMY shot for that. We'll see!
Anyways I don't know how many people will read this due to the facebook epidemic, but I'll throw it out there to see!
Cross your LEGS for warmer weather soon! it's 3 AND RAINING right now, and after yet another dump of SUNSHINE last week, I sure hope we get back to the BEACH stage quickly! Its SPRING isn't it?!
Ok. I don't really drink that much. I have some red wine from time to time with meals but that's about it. But I thought it would be funny to change Adrienne's post to make it look like I'm a Booze Bag.
Hope you like it and it brings you a laff!
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Hot Date
We had a hot date last night, courtesy of my sister. We went to Bish World Cuisine on the waterfront. You can read about the details here. I think I was a little uncomfortable at the restaraunt because it was so fancy. All the other diners were like 50 years old, with expensive looking clothes and nice jewelery. The parking lot was full of way nicer cars than ours. (We drive an Elantra) I felt a little inadequate, especially with my broken glasses on. They kept sliding down my nose making me feel very self-conscious. The dinner was very nice, however. Probably won't go there again though. I think if we wanted to do a fancy dinner again we would pick the Himachi House instead, which is right across the courtyard.
After the dinner we went to a movie. Much more our speed, (although we may have been a little overdressed!) We went to see Night at the Museum in Imax. Really good movie. We want to be sure to get that one on DVD. It was really funny, and highly entertaining. Ben Stiller was playing himself, essentially. He played the same character he plays in Meet the Parents and Something about Mary, that kind of bumbling, unfortunate character who keeps finding himself in uncomfortable situations and likes to lord it over small animals. The best part of the movie was the byplay between him, Owen Wilson as the tiny cowboy, and the tiny Roman Centurian. Those were definitely the best parts.
Not much went on here this week. I worked some more extra hours last week but I think I am going to relax a bit this week as I am becoming burnt out. So no extra hours. Maybe the next week. I hope I worked enough hours because I am going to have to finally break down and go to the eye doctor. Ian broke my glasses a few weeks ago, so I have been wearing really old ones I bought in 1998. They are so old and brittle one of the nose pieces broke off and so they are all lopsided. So hopefully at the end of the month I will be able to go. We are covered for a portion of my eyewear and optometrist but I do have to pay up front and that is a lot of cash to come up with when we are on such a tight budget. However, this is an emergency, so to speak, so I guess we will have to do it.
Oh well. Such is life.
We had been talking about going back home next summer but we really can't afford for me to take all that time off work, so Travis is going to go out himself. He won't be bringing Ian with him because we don't think one of us taking him on the plane will be very successful. But Trav has 25 vacation days plus we can probably scrape together one plane ticket, so everybody can look forward to seeing him this year.
In the mean time, between this and my dinner entries, I have been typing on this thing for like 2 1/2 hours so I am going to run. Hope you all are having a great February and I hope your Valentines Day was full of love!
After the dinner we went to a movie. Much more our speed, (although we may have been a little overdressed!) We went to see Night at the Museum in Imax. Really good movie. We want to be sure to get that one on DVD. It was really funny, and highly entertaining. Ben Stiller was playing himself, essentially. He played the same character he plays in Meet the Parents and Something about Mary, that kind of bumbling, unfortunate character who keeps finding himself in uncomfortable situations and likes to lord it over small animals. The best part of the movie was the byplay between him, Owen Wilson as the tiny cowboy, and the tiny Roman Centurian. Those were definitely the best parts.
Not much went on here this week. I worked some more extra hours last week but I think I am going to relax a bit this week as I am becoming burnt out. So no extra hours. Maybe the next week. I hope I worked enough hours because I am going to have to finally break down and go to the eye doctor. Ian broke my glasses a few weeks ago, so I have been wearing really old ones I bought in 1998. They are so old and brittle one of the nose pieces broke off and so they are all lopsided. So hopefully at the end of the month I will be able to go. We are covered for a portion of my eyewear and optometrist but I do have to pay up front and that is a lot of cash to come up with when we are on such a tight budget. However, this is an emergency, so to speak, so I guess we will have to do it.
Oh well. Such is life.
We had been talking about going back home next summer but we really can't afford for me to take all that time off work, so Travis is going to go out himself. He won't be bringing Ian with him because we don't think one of us taking him on the plane will be very successful. But Trav has 25 vacation days plus we can probably scrape together one plane ticket, so everybody can look forward to seeing him this year.
In the mean time, between this and my dinner entries, I have been typing on this thing for like 2 1/2 hours so I am going to run. Hope you all are having a great February and I hope your Valentines Day was full of love!
Sunday, February 11, 2007
All Work and No Play Make Leoal a Dull Girl (Repeat until crazy)
Well I have been working my fingers to the bone lately to make some spare cash. Not that I get to enjoy any of it. But I am getting the bills paid. I have been working about 15-20 extra hrs a week. Basically, since I had my teeth pulled I have been working every night and weekends too. It sucks. But the good news is that since I can knit at work I have completed quite a lot of projects. I don't want to turn this into a knitting blog but I really want to show off my goodies. I am not going to post it in this entry, though. I will just make a little album on the side for it. I have made one crazy tie died toque of ugliness, 2 green toques of cozyness, and one stripy toque of unbearable cuteness (sized just right for a niece or nephew...woo hoo!) I have made 2 scarves of unparalelled fuzzyness, one with black and white stripes, long and cozy, and one that is hot pink with white undertones. It came out a little short. I would like to get more yarn and make it longer. I have a super cute sweater and hat set. Adrienne is hereby ordered to create a girl. And a blankie with a simple square pattern. I am now working on a Martha Stewart Poncho of Unparalleled Anger and Frustration. We will see if I tear my hair out or not.
Ian is doing good. Learning many new words including No, By the way, No, No, Phoebe, No, Tori (babysitter's kid) Dadaby (which means thanks), well, and no. Sigh. He's so negative. But he's such a good boy. I sure do lurve him. I haven't taken many pics lately due to being super busy. But I did measure and weigh him. He is 36lbs and 36 inches high. So he's 3 feet tall at 20 mos and weighs a bloody ton. Feel free to compare a measurement of 3 feet to yourself and be amazed at his incredible size.
I also wanted to mention a great movie we saw last night. We saw Running Scared. I heard it was really violent so I wasn't that keen on watching it but it wasn't worse than any other movie I have ever seen, like Pulp Fiction or whatever. Anyway, it was really good, kept us on the edge of our seats throughout with Amazing Twists and Shocking Revelations. It is pretty dark, and it is set in a world populated by the worst of humanity, but it does have good people hidden in it like, uh, hidden things. I guess. I couldn't think of an appropriate simile. My writing skills are dismal.
Anyhoo, Sunday Night TV is starting, I must run. Check the new photo album for Knitted Stuff. No peeking, Adrienne.
Ian is doing good. Learning many new words including No, By the way, No, No, Phoebe, No, Tori (babysitter's kid) Dadaby (which means thanks), well, and no. Sigh. He's so negative. But he's such a good boy. I sure do lurve him. I haven't taken many pics lately due to being super busy. But I did measure and weigh him. He is 36lbs and 36 inches high. So he's 3 feet tall at 20 mos and weighs a bloody ton. Feel free to compare a measurement of 3 feet to yourself and be amazed at his incredible size.
I also wanted to mention a great movie we saw last night. We saw Running Scared. I heard it was really violent so I wasn't that keen on watching it but it wasn't worse than any other movie I have ever seen, like Pulp Fiction or whatever. Anyway, it was really good, kept us on the edge of our seats throughout with Amazing Twists and Shocking Revelations. It is pretty dark, and it is set in a world populated by the worst of humanity, but it does have good people hidden in it like, uh, hidden things. I guess. I couldn't think of an appropriate simile. My writing skills are dismal.
Anyhoo, Sunday Night TV is starting, I must run. Check the new photo album for Knitted Stuff. No peeking, Adrienne.
Ok so I do have some pics
Here are some pics from when I was out sick, Ian with something on his face, Ian's cute cousin, and the crazy bipolar warning that came with my new dryer. Mwahahaha!

Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Just a quick note
We went to visit uncle and auntie yesterday. It was sure fun. We got to look at all of cousin's little pink outfits for when she's born. We are pretty excited for that. It was a really nice day yesterday for visiting too. Ian wasn't sure what to think of the doggy. He liked her until she licked him. That bugged him a little I think.
I don't have much time this morning but I just wanted to post some pics I just took of Ian. They are his 8 month pics, a little late, I know but hey. What can ya do. I also took some pics of his killer skull shirt. Cause he's badass.

I don't have much time this morning but I just wanted to post some pics I just took of Ian. They are his 8 month pics, a little late, I know but hey. What can ya do. I also took some pics of his killer skull shirt. Cause he's badass.

Thursday, January 11, 2007
He flies through the air with the greatest of ease!
Ian took a flying leap down the stairs today. He's ok. He just cried some. He was riding his little tykes ride on and just took a header down the stairs. It was a pretty big event but upon sitting here and pondering it, there isn't much to tell.
Today was my last day at work. Well, for a week, anyway. I have surgery tomorrow. It's a sex change. Just kidding. Actually I am getting my wisdom teeth removed. Unfortunately, my few and far between posts will become not only scarce but also boring and unedumacationable. After all, without my wisdom teeth, I won't be such a wise guy! Mwahahahahahaha!
Today was my last day at work. Well, for a week, anyway. I have surgery tomorrow. It's a sex change. Just kidding. Actually I am getting my wisdom teeth removed. Unfortunately, my few and far between posts will become not only scarce but also boring and unedumacationable. After all, without my wisdom teeth, I won't be such a wise guy! Mwahahahahahaha!
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
Trav got off a bit early today, he got Ian and came and picked me up at work. Ian was happy and smiling in the back seat, then right before we got to Sackville he wasn't so happy. He whined, then fussed, then cried, then wailed. Then he projectile barfed about a gallon of yellow puke all over the back seat of the car. It stank so bad we drove the rest of the way home with the windows rolled down. So poor wet barfy Ian had to sit in the back seat all covered in cold puke while we sat in traffic. We eventually made it home. We cleaned him up, gave him a bath, and scrubbed down the inside of the car. I would have taken a picture but who wants to see that?
Sunday, January 7, 2007
Just to prove a point.
Just to prove that I can manage two blogs, I am posting again. Yes, it's twice in one day. Plus the lasagne. But it's to avoid housework, so there ya go. I always have the excellent intentions but poor follow-through. Only today it isn't in here, it is in the house work. I got the kitchen clean, the floor was starting to look like there was a food fight in there. It was a whole week since I mopped. Not that I am a clean freak or anything (as anybody who has been to my house can attest to) but I have a 19 month old and there is only so much a sane human can take. Then we took down the Christmas tree. Yes, I am aware it is January 7th. Hey, at least it's not Easter! I only knocked it over twice in the process. I then proceeded to clean the living room and vacume. Ian decided to help me. He kept unplugging the vacume as soon as I would turn it on. So I handed him the feather duster and told him to dust. So he walked around "dusting" the cat, carpet, school bus, tv and couch chanting "duhduhduhduh" which I presume meant "dustdustdustdust". At least he knows what he's doing.
I also had an amazing time with the laundry today. I don't know if I have posted here about it but the dryer crapped out near the end of October. We ordered a new one but it has yet to arrive. I have since been challenged with ever increasing piles of dirty clothes, a house that smells like wet socks, and creatively coming up with places to hang laundry. And today, I was blessed. Blessed with a sunny day above freezing, with a breeze, whereby I could finally wash my desperatly dirty sheets. So they all made it onto the line. Sadly, it was EXTREMELY breezy out and so I spent much of the day rescuing my sheets from the neighbor's yard. In the end, however, they all survived, and every sheet I owned is now clean, dry and fresh smelling. Sadly, I have sacrificed most of my clothes pins to do so.
So amongst all the mopping, vacuming, and wrestliing with sheets in the blustery wind, we also managed to get a beautiful lasagne dinner on the table. And not hours after I scrubbed every spot from my kitchen floor, leaving it shiny and gleaming, I placed a plate of that lasagne in front of my son. And now the kitchen floor looks just like it did when I got up this morning.
Sigh. Why do I even bother?
I also had an amazing time with the laundry today. I don't know if I have posted here about it but the dryer crapped out near the end of October. We ordered a new one but it has yet to arrive. I have since been challenged with ever increasing piles of dirty clothes, a house that smells like wet socks, and creatively coming up with places to hang laundry. And today, I was blessed. Blessed with a sunny day above freezing, with a breeze, whereby I could finally wash my desperatly dirty sheets. So they all made it onto the line. Sadly, it was EXTREMELY breezy out and so I spent much of the day rescuing my sheets from the neighbor's yard. In the end, however, they all survived, and every sheet I owned is now clean, dry and fresh smelling. Sadly, I have sacrificed most of my clothes pins to do so.
So amongst all the mopping, vacuming, and wrestliing with sheets in the blustery wind, we also managed to get a beautiful lasagne dinner on the table. And not hours after I scrubbed every spot from my kitchen floor, leaving it shiny and gleaming, I placed a plate of that lasagne in front of my son. And now the kitchen floor looks just like it did when I got up this morning.
Sigh. Why do I even bother?
So I have been slacking. Is anybody really suprised?
Christmas was fun here, despite having no snow. We had a teriffic turkey dinner including a brined turkey (yum). Ian wasn't too keen on the presents. It's not that he didn't like them, he just didn't quite grasp the concept of opening them. Once we unwrapped the gift and he saw what was inside he was all for it. The only problem was he wanted the truck/train/walkie talkie NOW and did not want to wait while we untangled the kazillion and one twist ties that hold the toys into the packaging. We were going to do that all ahead of time but then we got lazy. Stupid we.
I recieved several lovely gifts including gift cards to Reitmans and Old Navy which I exchanged for some much needed clothing. I also recieved a knife (woot) and a pepper mill (woot) and a web cam (woot woot) So now we can have live video chats with Those we Love. We had an Online New Years party with friends from back home which was great because we sure do miss them. We babysat Ian's little cousin Lillian as well. She sure is cute. It was a little stressful, especially as she has quite the set of lungs on her, and I am not as good at soothing her as I am at soothing Ian, but it worked out anyway. I was feeding her some sweet potato/squash mush and Ian comes along with his mouth open ready for a bite. So I gave him a bite. He sure doesn't like that as much as he did when he was a tinier tot. The look on his face was priceless!
We have started a new blog, it is Travis and my dinner blog. We will work on it together. I have included a link. It's nothing special, just recipes and stuff, but we thought we should share. I know, I can barely keep up with this one. But it's my new years resolution. I swear. (yes I am aware it is the 7th of January) I also have a new link to my friend Melissa's blog, she's got quite a way with words.
Any hoo, must run. I think I need to chase the sheets down again. Here are some pics to send you on your way:

I recieved several lovely gifts including gift cards to Reitmans and Old Navy which I exchanged for some much needed clothing. I also recieved a knife (woot) and a pepper mill (woot) and a web cam (woot woot) So now we can have live video chats with Those we Love. We had an Online New Years party with friends from back home which was great because we sure do miss them. We babysat Ian's little cousin Lillian as well. She sure is cute. It was a little stressful, especially as she has quite the set of lungs on her, and I am not as good at soothing her as I am at soothing Ian, but it worked out anyway. I was feeding her some sweet potato/squash mush and Ian comes along with his mouth open ready for a bite. So I gave him a bite. He sure doesn't like that as much as he did when he was a tinier tot. The look on his face was priceless!
We have started a new blog, it is Travis and my dinner blog. We will work on it together. I have included a link. It's nothing special, just recipes and stuff, but we thought we should share. I know, I can barely keep up with this one. But it's my new years resolution. I swear. (yes I am aware it is the 7th of January) I also have a new link to my friend Melissa's blog, she's got quite a way with words.
Any hoo, must run. I think I need to chase the sheets down again. Here are some pics to send you on your way:
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