I've had this blog forever!
Any hoo, here is my update. I am working 14 hours tomorrow! Why you ask? Because it is time and a half ALL DAY and they were offering extra hours. Plus I get my regular pay for the day so the first 7.5 are DOUBLE time and a half. So I should be able to make, like, half my paycheck in one day, and therefore be able to avoid too many other extra hours this pay period. Yay!!
In Ian news, I want to provide a list of words he can say. I may forget some. I think I will add the list to the side of the blog over there. I have some photos too. The problem with photos is that I am pretty bored of the around the house photos, and I always forget to take the camera whenever I go anywhere. Boo. Either that or the battery dies. I have lots of pics on my phone but I don't know how to get them to the computer since stupid Aliant pay and talk doesn't allow mms or web access. Who ever thought I would actually WISH I was signed up with Telus??
So he's doing good. He had a bit of the sniffles. He also caught some kind of bug at the babysitters about 2 weeks ago. She and her kids wer feeling under the weather and one night he started crying in the night. I didn't go in there though because whenever I do he just ends up crying for like 3 hours and after about 5 mins he settled back down again. But in the morning when I went in he was all covered in barf. I felt really bad. I think I will feel bad about that until my dying day.
He was only sick that one time though. Trav caught it really bad and was sick for like a week. He went out on St. Paddy's day and came home with that stomach bug and he thought he had a really bad hangover but it turned out to be the virus. But for the first 48 hours he was swearing off drinking forever. Hahaha!
But they got over those sicknesses anyway and everybody here is healthy. Aside from the extra hours, work for me is going fine. I won a free tv the other day. They were giving away one entry for each extra hour worked over the weekend and since I worked 10 extra hours I got 10 extra tickets. And so I won a 19 inch lcd tv with built in dvd. Woot! (I hope it was for the hour I was in the Billing Queue and nobody noticed, and billing is closed on Sunday so I took zero calls and just sat there doing needlepoint. Mwahahahaha!)
Trav was all worked up about going to Russia in May/June but that got cancelled. He should be going to Norfolk/Boston coming up soon, for about 3 weeks. I am looking forward to it because he has not sailed in about a year, and believe me, having your hubby home all the time is not what being a navy wife should be about. I am really looking to a little Mom and Ian time (plus an excuse not to work any extra hours)
I also got new glasses. I don't have a pic here but you can check my Facebook because I am wearing it in that pick as well as the pic I have for MSN messenger. I got new glasses too. So now I can see you coming and hide.
I am pretty psyched too because my mom is coming to visit in May for Ian and my birthdays. Since Trav will be making it out there this summer to visit allayall it's nice to know that I get to see someone too.
Well I better run. I will try to get some pics posted and apparently we can embed video on here now (that will pick up the pace of this stupid site, I bet) So I will see if that works. Have fun folks!
PS: You have to host the video elsewhere. So I guess I will just keep linking to Myspace as I have been doing. Jerks.
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