is a swift. It clamps on a table, you put the skein of yarn on it and it spins around so you can wind it from a pretty but useless skein to a much more managable ball. Used in conjunction with a ball winder (which I also ordered because I decided I like centre pull yarn muffins best) you have all you need to prevent either a) trying to find a willing victim to hold yarn while you wind it, such as a husband, who seems to be conveniently absent (possibly avoiding holding my yarn? we will never know) b) putting it on the back of a chair or your feet and spending about 4 hours swearing and untangling the resulting mess or c) driving 25k into town to get them to wind it at the yarn store. Of course I could have avoided all this mess if I just bought all my yarn at Wal Mart but I am a complete yarn snob and I have a weakness for stuff that still smells like sheep.
I had to take Phoebe to the vet today. She hasn't been in several years and was due for a shot. She spazzed out and bit me. (I'll live. Although it was my yarn hand, it was conveniently not where the yarn goes.) We took her in the room and the nurse came in, and we coaxed her out of the case. Then she growled and hissed while she was weighed. (10 1/2 lbs. What a tubby tabby!) The nurse or whatever was starting to look nervous, and Phoebe jumped off the table and went and hid under a chair. There were literally clouds of fur coming off her. It didn't help that Ian thought it was hilarious and was banging and thumping to scare her worse. Then the actual vet came in and took one look at her and said, "well that's your problem. I can see why she is grumpy right there. Look at her colours. She is a tortie. They have behavioral issues"
So I guess she is genetically predisposed to being a psycho homicidal loony. Nice kitty!
Anyway, he said "no way I'm giving her this pill. You take it home and force it down her throat."
So looks like I am in for a fun evening!
(Someone better call me in the morning to see if I survived.)
I'm glad you survived the cat pill ordeal...
That swift looks scary..Like something you would find in Edward Scizzorhands dad's house.
But wouldn't that be handy for you.... to have a swift as an appendage. Not useful for other things though...
Well since you posted I am assuming tha tyou lived.. thank god.. you know what.. if you shove the pill in a piece of chicken I bet you can get your cat to eat it!!
Thanks for showing what a swift was. I actually googled it after you posted.
Hope all is well with you.
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