Blog of Housewifery

I like to knit
I like to bake
But I'm a MOM
That takes the cake!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Just A Few Things I Wanted To Mention...

1. It's Not Just Me

Moments ago I heard the unmistakable noise of tires squealing trying to get into an uphill driveway and thought to myself "that sounds like me parking!"
But no! It was my neighbor-lady parking. In her driveway. And she almost hit her own house.



Maybe I shouldn't laugh. At least she wasn't in the driveway at a 45 degree angle. Like someone we won't mention.

2. TP

It used to be that the toilet paper had to be placed facing the correct way on the roll. You know what? I don't even remember what way that is. Because now I have to hide the roll. Not only that, I have to speak to Travis in code about where said roll is, because otherwise, the Devil Child (ahem, I meant to say light of my life) Ian will flush any and all toilet paper down the toilet, regardless of how many times I explain that we only flush the toilet paper we have used to wipe our bums. Guaranteed, if the kid is being quiet, it is because he found a roll of toilet paper which he believes requires a burial at sea.

3. Speaking of the Devil Child (ahem, I meant to say light of my life)

Does he like bananas or not? I mean seriously. I buy the bananas. *The next morning I ask him if he wants a banana. He says no. I peel a banana for him. He won't eat it. So I end up eating it. (I hate bananas) So for 5 days, he won't eat his bananas and they slowly turn black on the counter. And the very SECOND I throw the bananas in the freezer or the green bin, he wants a banana! "Mama, have nana peese?" 3 to 4 times a day. Then when we go to the store, he wants a banana. He CRIES for a banana. So I say, "they're cheap, and healthy."

And so I buy the bananas.

Rep pattern from * an infinite number of times.

4. Knitting Content

My sock is almost done. I have literally like 4 rounds to go. I would have taken a picture but meh. I'm lazy. So there. Maybe tomorrow.

The End

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