Blog of Housewifery

I like to knit
I like to bake
But I'm a MOM
That takes the cake!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Something to Grouse About

So Adrienne saw a grouse in her yard. She even took a picture. (Her pic is on Facebook, not her blog.)

I have to admit, I was jealous. All I ever see are crows. Today while I was making supper I opened the door so Ian could play on the deck. All of a sudden I heard squacking, and Ian started shouting "Stop it, bird!" So I came out to see what he was yelling at and I saw this:

Yep. That is a great big pheasant. It was up at the top of my yard. Well, technically, the yard next door.

It must be that time of year. Here are a few more pics! (Plus I added a picture of a pheasant from the internet so you could see what it looked like up close)

(picture was obtained from

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well I'd trade you the grouse for the pheasant any day!