Blog of Housewifery

I like to knit
I like to bake
But I'm a MOM
That takes the cake!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


I am waiting for a new computer to arrive. Today I recieved a monitor. Since that is 33% of the parcels I am expecting, I am 33% excited! So I will shout out 33% of a yay.


Yah, that was pretty lame.

Last night we went to the briefing for the families of the deploying CF members. For those who don't already know, Travis is sailing a week from Saturday and will be home some time in late October. So all these big plans I have for the summer? All me baby. Yep, I'm a tough one. I get to mow the lawn and stain the deck and take the car in for repairs. This period is also going to cover all three birthdays in our family, Mother's day, Father's day, Victoria Day, Canada Day, Natal Day, Labour Day, and Thanksgiving. And of course, I was gone over Easter. So we've been having tons of togetherness lately. Yay!

I guess I will be doing a lot of knitting.

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