Blog of Housewifery

I like to knit
I like to bake
But I'm a MOM
That takes the cake!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Another really long post with numbers because I didn't feel like writing anything all week.

I suck. I know it.

1. First off, I sent like a dozen people over here to have a look, and then didn't post anything for several days. Hi new people! Hope you stay a while! If I don't post, then just feel free to look through the archives. I wrote some good stuff. And some junk too but just ignore that.

2. Anyway, I finished the little brown socks, and they are in an envelope. And the envelope is in my purse. I forgot to take a picture first, though. So yeah. I frogged that mitt thing, back to nothing, and I have restarted it, but I am still not happy with it and I am starting to worry about wearing the yarn out. It is really nice, (plus pricy) and so I don't want to wreck it.

3. I baked brown bread, it turned out GREAT. Even better than the white. So I have the bread down now. I also baked these awesome cookies. They are chocolate with white chips on one half, and the other half is regular chocolate chips. I even took pictures, but I don't feel like hooking up the camera tonight. Actually, I haven't felt like hooking up the camera for the past few nights, and that is mainly why I haven't posted. Maybe I will do the pics in a separate post.

4. Travis's birthday is coming up very soon. I asked Ian what he wanted to get Daddy for his birthday, and he said "a special car shirt". This is the first time Ian has ever come up with something on his own that he wanted to give someone. So I took him to the mall. We went to EVERY SINGLE STORE and the only one with a car on it was bright blue with a pink hatchback. I could have driven out to Bayers Lake to go to the little store that sells model cars, but I decided to check Zellers first, and I found this t-shirt that you are supposed to put hand prints on. It says, "World's Greatest Dad Hands Down" So we did up the hand shirt, and I drew a car on it with the paint. Plus it is white, so he can wear it under his work clothes. Mission accomplished! Daddy will get a VERY special car shirt for his birthday.

5. I told some people this tale, but I don't think that I wrote it in here. You all remember I got a new computer ? Well, I cleaned out the old one and got it all geared up with Windows XP. Then I put an ad on Kijiji. This woman called me, and she wanted to know if her hard drive would work in it. She said she builds computers, so I assumed she knew what she was doing. So she puts her hard drive in. Doesn't work. Then she puts mine back. Doesn't work. She fiddles with it for a while, and then it doesn't work, so she says "I can't deal with this right now, call me when you get it working" and leaves. Of course, I don't know what is wrong with it, so I got ahold of a guy I know to have a look at it. But he has been busy, so he didn't fix it until today. Luckily, it works again fine. Good as new. So I guess I have to put the ad back up now, anyway. Anybody want to buy a computer?

6. That was my good news, my bad news is I am an idiot. An idiot who sucks. On Sunday I was out at the CO's briefing for the ship, and when I left, I got my sunglasses out of my case and put them on. I then put my glasses in the case, went to the car, and put the glasses on the roof. I then proceeded to put the kid in the car, then I got in the car and drove home.

Do you see the problem?


So I went in on Monday, and $203 and 4 days later, I will have new glasses. Hopefully, by 4 days, they mean Thursday (tomorrow) because I reaaaally don't want to wait until Friday. I am currently wearing glasses from 1998, with chipped paint, a broken nosepiece that stabs me, and a big crack in the arm that is threatening to come loose at any moment. Also, the prescription is off a bit, and I have a headache. (another excuse for not posting)

7. Last but not least, I am supposed to have the Day Off tomorrow! Woot! Ian is going to Uncle and Auntie's to play with his little cousin and spend the night. What will I do? Well I have BIG PLANS! I plan to go to the MFRC and drop off Travis's birthday parcel, and order my Homecoming T-shirt. I plan to go to the stitch n bitch in Dartmouth, and I plan to SLEEP PAST 9am! Sooo excited. Hopefully it all pans out for me.

Anyway, I am aware I could have done a post a day for the last few days and gotten all of that in. But isn't anticipation more fun? Stay tuned tomorrow (or not) for the above pictures. With all the comments and new readers, I have an OBLIGATION to keep my word, don't I?


Melissa said...

It was totally worth waiting for. Stop by my blog to find out about the new drug I'm on that's BETTER THAN XANAX!! Yes. Better living through science.

PS. I'm kind of sad not to be one of your only three readers anymore.

PPS. Since I'm not, it's only fair you send some of those new readers over to me, so someone reads my blog besides you and your mom, eh?

Anonymous said...

travis doesn't read your blog does he? cuz then the bday present wouldn't be much of a suprise...