Blog of Housewifery

I like to knit
I like to bake
But I'm a MOM
That takes the cake!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

What to Say

Well, most people know what's gone on here. I know some of you don't know. I might write about it some day but for now I just don't know how to put it all into words. I think I will some day, but I am not quite ready yet. Some people don't know what has gone on, and for those of you who don't please feel free to email or call me and I will tell you all about it but for just now I am not quite ready to put it all up on here.

Adrienne said it much better on her space, but I do want to take this opportunity to thank everybody who did so many things for us during this time. Our family has a great circle of friends and relatives, and it was great to see so many faces I haven't seen in years. I just wish it could have been under different circumstances. Anyway, like I said, Adrienne wrote it better, so have a look at her space, I have a link on the right column of this blog.

So I will give everybody an update on where I am at right now because it is a bit easier to talk about. I have found myself back in Grimshaw again. I do have a ticket back to Halifax for the 24th of March, which will put me in Alberta for nearly a full month. I am feeling very disrupted right now, as I left quite a number of projects on the go around my house, and I have only a few short weeks left to spend with Travis once I get back before he is going to be gone for a long time.

Since I find myself in this Land of Job Opportunity, I am working a few shifts at the good old Boston Pizza. I am pretty happy to be there, actually. Leaving BP was one of the suckiest parts of leaving last year. (I tried to think of a better word than "suckiest" but it really is the least suckiest word for the situation) We kind of picked right back up where we left off here. I am staying with Chrys and Jeremy and the kids. Ian is happy to be back with his good friends. (Well, it seemed like that, until Jordy bashed him in the head with a tractor. Then it was just yelling. Good times.) Leaving Chrys, Jer, and the rest of the noisy rowdy pack was the other sucky part of leaving last year. But I think this time I will be much happier to be back in my own house.

I have been knitting. Actually, with all the hullabaloo around here the last few weeks, I have been knitting in front of all kinds of people. Some of you faithful readers even got to see me in action! (Not so exciting in person, is it?) I also did some Knitting Evangelism, and Spread the Good Yarn News around a bit. And I am sure they will all come to love it as much as I do.

I have completed quite a few projects so far, I finished 3 dishcloths, 2 mittens, a pair of socks I was working on before I left, and I am currently about 6 inches into a beautiful pair of variegated brown merino socks. (Left the ball band at home, sadly. I don't even remember the brand) I have been taking pictures, but I forgot my USB cable at home, so I won't be posting pics until I return. There are a ton, so I will probably do an online album through Facebook and post the link.

Travis was here with me for the first two weeks. I think it really renewed my appreciation for him. He arrived home yesterday. He took Ian to see his parents for the weekend, and I guess they had a nice visit. Ian was gone three nights and it is the longest I have ever been away from him. I was pretty glad to get him back. I missed his witty comments, such as "I had yogurt already! I wanna have a cookie!" (It sounds cute when he says it).

Anyway, its pretty late here. It is after midnight and I am typing this while wearing a sweaty, garlicky BP uniform, and I still have chocolate sauce on my arm. So I think I will maybe have a shower and then head to bed. Stay tuned for more posts!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Honey, I am glad you are okay and I am so glad that Trav was there for you when you needed him. I'm sorry I was so far away, but ... you know you're in my thoughts. Speaking of, I dragged myself off my sickbed and updated my blog. Kind of felt odd to be posting about Valentine's Day when St. Patrick's Day is around the corner. Okay, that's all, I just wanted you to know that I love you and miss you and hope you are doing fine. If you need me, all you have to do is call! Unfortunately I can't come in the country legally (been putting off withdrawing my residency, am hoping it is annoying Eventual Ex in some way), but you are worth the hassle at Customs & Immigration if you need me. Cause that's how much I care!!