Ian took a flying leap down the stairs today. He's ok. He just cried some. He was riding his little tykes ride on and just took a header down the stairs. It was a pretty big event but upon sitting here and pondering it, there isn't much to tell.
Today was my last day at work. Well, for a week, anyway. I have surgery tomorrow. It's a sex change. Just kidding. Actually I am getting my wisdom teeth removed. Unfortunately, my few and far between posts will become not only scarce but also boring and unedumacationable. After all, without my wisdom teeth, I won't be such a wise guy! Mwahahahahahaha!
Blog of Housewifery
I like to bake
But I'm a MOM
That takes the cake!
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
Trav got off a bit early today, he got Ian and came and picked me up at work. Ian was happy and smiling in the back seat, then right before we got to Sackville he wasn't so happy. He whined, then fussed, then cried, then wailed. Then he projectile barfed about a gallon of yellow puke all over the back seat of the car. It stank so bad we drove the rest of the way home with the windows rolled down. So poor wet barfy Ian had to sit in the back seat all covered in cold puke while we sat in traffic. We eventually made it home. We cleaned him up, gave him a bath, and scrubbed down the inside of the car. I would have taken a picture but who wants to see that?
Sunday, January 7, 2007
Just to prove a point.
Just to prove that I can manage two blogs, I am posting again. Yes, it's twice in one day. Plus the lasagne. But it's to avoid housework, so there ya go. I always have the excellent intentions but poor follow-through. Only today it isn't in here, it is in the house work. I got the kitchen clean, the floor was starting to look like there was a food fight in there. It was a whole week since I mopped. Not that I am a clean freak or anything (as anybody who has been to my house can attest to) but I have a 19 month old and there is only so much a sane human can take. Then we took down the Christmas tree. Yes, I am aware it is January 7th. Hey, at least it's not Easter! I only knocked it over twice in the process. I then proceeded to clean the living room and vacume. Ian decided to help me. He kept unplugging the vacume as soon as I would turn it on. So I handed him the feather duster and told him to dust. So he walked around "dusting" the cat, carpet, school bus, tv and couch chanting "duhduhduhduh" which I presume meant "dustdustdustdust". At least he knows what he's doing.
I also had an amazing time with the laundry today. I don't know if I have posted here about it but the dryer crapped out near the end of October. We ordered a new one but it has yet to arrive. I have since been challenged with ever increasing piles of dirty clothes, a house that smells like wet socks, and creatively coming up with places to hang laundry. And today, I was blessed. Blessed with a sunny day above freezing, with a breeze, whereby I could finally wash my desperatly dirty sheets. So they all made it onto the line. Sadly, it was EXTREMELY breezy out and so I spent much of the day rescuing my sheets from the neighbor's yard. In the end, however, they all survived, and every sheet I owned is now clean, dry and fresh smelling. Sadly, I have sacrificed most of my clothes pins to do so.
So amongst all the mopping, vacuming, and wrestliing with sheets in the blustery wind, we also managed to get a beautiful lasagne dinner on the table. And not hours after I scrubbed every spot from my kitchen floor, leaving it shiny and gleaming, I placed a plate of that lasagne in front of my son. And now the kitchen floor looks just like it did when I got up this morning.
Sigh. Why do I even bother?
I also had an amazing time with the laundry today. I don't know if I have posted here about it but the dryer crapped out near the end of October. We ordered a new one but it has yet to arrive. I have since been challenged with ever increasing piles of dirty clothes, a house that smells like wet socks, and creatively coming up with places to hang laundry. And today, I was blessed. Blessed with a sunny day above freezing, with a breeze, whereby I could finally wash my desperatly dirty sheets. So they all made it onto the line. Sadly, it was EXTREMELY breezy out and so I spent much of the day rescuing my sheets from the neighbor's yard. In the end, however, they all survived, and every sheet I owned is now clean, dry and fresh smelling. Sadly, I have sacrificed most of my clothes pins to do so.
So amongst all the mopping, vacuming, and wrestliing with sheets in the blustery wind, we also managed to get a beautiful lasagne dinner on the table. And not hours after I scrubbed every spot from my kitchen floor, leaving it shiny and gleaming, I placed a plate of that lasagne in front of my son. And now the kitchen floor looks just like it did when I got up this morning.
Sigh. Why do I even bother?
So I have been slacking. Is anybody really suprised?
Christmas was fun here, despite having no snow. We had a teriffic turkey dinner including a brined turkey (yum). Ian wasn't too keen on the presents. It's not that he didn't like them, he just didn't quite grasp the concept of opening them. Once we unwrapped the gift and he saw what was inside he was all for it. The only problem was he wanted the truck/train/walkie talkie NOW and did not want to wait while we untangled the kazillion and one twist ties that hold the toys into the packaging. We were going to do that all ahead of time but then we got lazy. Stupid we.
I recieved several lovely gifts including gift cards to Reitmans and Old Navy which I exchanged for some much needed clothing. I also recieved a knife (woot) and a pepper mill (woot) and a web cam (woot woot) So now we can have live video chats with Those we Love. We had an Online New Years party with friends from back home which was great because we sure do miss them. We babysat Ian's little cousin Lillian as well. She sure is cute. It was a little stressful, especially as she has quite the set of lungs on her, and I am not as good at soothing her as I am at soothing Ian, but it worked out anyway. I was feeding her some sweet potato/squash mush and Ian comes along with his mouth open ready for a bite. So I gave him a bite. He sure doesn't like that as much as he did when he was a tinier tot. The look on his face was priceless!
We have started a new blog, it is Travis and my dinner blog. We will work on it together. I have included a link. It's nothing special, just recipes and stuff, but we thought we should share. I know, I can barely keep up with this one. But it's my new years resolution. I swear. (yes I am aware it is the 7th of January) I also have a new link to my friend Melissa's blog, she's got quite a way with words.
Any hoo, must run. I think I need to chase the sheets down again. Here are some pics to send you on your way:

I recieved several lovely gifts including gift cards to Reitmans and Old Navy which I exchanged for some much needed clothing. I also recieved a knife (woot) and a pepper mill (woot) and a web cam (woot woot) So now we can have live video chats with Those we Love. We had an Online New Years party with friends from back home which was great because we sure do miss them. We babysat Ian's little cousin Lillian as well. She sure is cute. It was a little stressful, especially as she has quite the set of lungs on her, and I am not as good at soothing her as I am at soothing Ian, but it worked out anyway. I was feeding her some sweet potato/squash mush and Ian comes along with his mouth open ready for a bite. So I gave him a bite. He sure doesn't like that as much as he did when he was a tinier tot. The look on his face was priceless!
We have started a new blog, it is Travis and my dinner blog. We will work on it together. I have included a link. It's nothing special, just recipes and stuff, but we thought we should share. I know, I can barely keep up with this one. But it's my new years resolution. I swear. (yes I am aware it is the 7th of January) I also have a new link to my friend Melissa's blog, she's got quite a way with words.
Any hoo, must run. I think I need to chase the sheets down again. Here are some pics to send you on your way:
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