I am so tired. Working and having a baby is hard work. And I gotta keep the house up all the time too. I know I used to have regular readers but then I became an irregular poster, so I am sure my readership has waned. Ian dropped the camera too, so now the battery cover won't stay on, so I have to hold it with my finger or tape it or something. Which sucks. But oh well. He walks all over now, he still can't stand himself up but he only crawls to the next thing he wants to pull himself up on and then he just walks everywhere. He looks so cute. He holds his little hands up to his chest and staggers from room to room.
No further problems with the car, other than gas prices ($1.069 per litre now, the bastards) I say we just blow it up and take the insurance money. (Watch the car blow up tomorrow and me not get any insurance money because I wrote that in here hahaha)
I have also been working on some cross stitching as well. I have been making progress on a lot of projects I have been working on for a long time. In some cases, years. There is one that I remember working on during the winter olympics...the 2002 ones. I finished that. I finished 2 other ones as well. So altogether I have finished 6, since I learned how to do it.
Anyhoo, pretty tired here today. I am gonna go to bed now. I will try to get some shots of Ian staggering later on this week. Until then, see ya later, alligator.
Blog of Housewifery
I like to bake
But I'm a MOM
That takes the cake!
Monday, March 27, 2006
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Damn Car
So we scrimped and saved and finally bought new tires. Yahoo. We needed them so bad, just ask my mom. The old ones were nearly bald and the car had such a bad jiggle that you feared for your life every time you hit 80. So at long last, we got what we always dreamed of...4 new all season radials and a wheel balancing. Now the ride is so smooth you think you are driving on buttah. Or something. Less than 24 hours after we get the tires, I got cut off by a tractor trailer and popped a curb, and flattened one of the tires. I could have cried. Actually I did cry. It still had the little black stringy dealies on it and I go and wreck one. (Don't worry, both me and the rest of the car are fine, I didn't even bend the rim) Anyhoo, the first tire purchase nearly cleaned us out, I didn't know what to do. Luckily the tractor trailor driver, moved by my tears and wails of "why god, why?" let me use his cell phone, and also luckily, I have 36 months of free roadside assistance, so the tow truck driver came and put the donut on my car for me. (good thing too since the jack doesn't have a handle and we don't have one of them wheel taker offer type wrenches either. We better take that up with Hyundai...)
I also called Travis who got dropped off near me, about 2 minutes before the tow truck guy came along. He was annoyed, to say the least. But we got home safely on our little toy wheel, and then he went to Canadian Tire. He always insists on getting extra warranties etc, and I am always annoyed at the extra expense but in this case it worked out great, he got the tire replaced under the road hazard warranty, and it ended up costing us just the Canadian Tire Money we had gotten from purchasing the tires the day before.
Now if only they had a warranty that covers the MVI and registration...
We do have good news about the Damn Car, which is that We Just Saved A Bunch Of Money On Our Car Insurance....and not by switching to Geico! Our insurance is going down by about $70 per month, starting in May, and with Travis going on Course, the timing couldn't be better!
I have some pics today, I have a cute one of Travis and Ian, and I also have some pictures we took a couple weeks ago when we took a drive out to Annapolis Royal. It is the oldest settlement in North America. We just went to the fort, and it was all closed up for the winter, but the coolest thing is that the monuments are older than some historical sites I have been to. The statue with the head on it is for the guy who founded the place in 1605, and the monument itself was put up in 1905! Pretty cool, eh? I also had to take the picture of the well, it looks like the one in The Ring. If we go back this summer I will have to take a picture of myself coming out of it...

I also called Travis who got dropped off near me, about 2 minutes before the tow truck guy came along. He was annoyed, to say the least. But we got home safely on our little toy wheel, and then he went to Canadian Tire. He always insists on getting extra warranties etc, and I am always annoyed at the extra expense but in this case it worked out great, he got the tire replaced under the road hazard warranty, and it ended up costing us just the Canadian Tire Money we had gotten from purchasing the tires the day before.
Now if only they had a warranty that covers the MVI and registration...
We do have good news about the Damn Car, which is that We Just Saved A Bunch Of Money On Our Car Insurance....and not by switching to Geico! Our insurance is going down by about $70 per month, starting in May, and with Travis going on Course, the timing couldn't be better!
I have some pics today, I have a cute one of Travis and Ian, and I also have some pictures we took a couple weeks ago when we took a drive out to Annapolis Royal. It is the oldest settlement in North America. We just went to the fort, and it was all closed up for the winter, but the coolest thing is that the monuments are older than some historical sites I have been to. The statue with the head on it is for the guy who founded the place in 1605, and the monument itself was put up in 1905! Pretty cool, eh? I also had to take the picture of the well, it looks like the one in The Ring. If we go back this summer I will have to take a picture of myself coming out of it...
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Cheeri-Oh No!
Kinda dull here today. Travis is duty so Ian and I have the house to ourselves. We didn't do much except go for a walk. I set the big box of Cheerios too near the edge of the table, however, and Ian made a beeline for it and dumped half of it on the floor before I had a chance. It was like he hit the jackpot. He figured out pretty quick that crawling through the pile as fast as he could was super fun too. So I had to capture the event for posterity. Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 8, 2006
A Round of Applause
I wanna apologize for my negligence in the blogging department but by this time my words are beginning to sound hollow. All I can say is that i was really busy with my mom's visit and with work and all, so I just haven't felt up to it. There have been quite a few developments in the Ian Department. First of all, his walking is improving, he can go about 7 or 10 steps before he falls down, and he walks from the coffee table to the tv and other similar distances. Today I saw him walk over to a toy, bend over and pick it up, and then straighten up, all without falling down. Pretty cool!
He has also learned how to clap his hands. He learned that today. I was trying to get him to do it yesterday with no luck but today he just clapped his hands back when I clapped at him. It was so cute! I was very proud of him!
I also believe he is trying to say something. When ever he sees the kitty he goes "Heee! Heeee! Heee!". I think he's trying to say kitty. I am not sure. But he sure gets excited when he sees her and when I say "Kitty", he looks for her.
Travis will be going on course in May, so no more sailing for us for quite a long time. In other news, our good friends here will be definitely posted to the west coast . We will really be missing them. I guess that means there are going to be some more big lifestyle changes around here. We spend about every second weekend with them so I don't know what we will do. I am not happy for us, but it is what they wanted so I am happy for them.
Work is actually going pretty well, It has changed quite a lot since I left and not all in bad ways. I was really dreading going back but it is quite a bit easier than staying home with Ian. There sure aren't a lot of minutes in the day, though!
So I tried to make a video of Ian clapping today, or a video of him walking around and around the living room chair, but he wouldn't do it when I tried to video him. My mom taught him to smile for the camera, so every time I try to video him he stops whatever he is doing and smiles. Very cute for photos but inconvenient for taping of new baby tricks. But I will have a go at it again tomorrow. Until then, here is a good one I got of him smiling for Mommy!
He has also learned how to clap his hands. He learned that today. I was trying to get him to do it yesterday with no luck but today he just clapped his hands back when I clapped at him. It was so cute! I was very proud of him!
I also believe he is trying to say something. When ever he sees the kitty he goes "Heee! Heeee! Heee!". I think he's trying to say kitty. I am not sure. But he sure gets excited when he sees her and when I say "Kitty", he looks for her.
Travis will be going on course in May, so no more sailing for us for quite a long time. In other news, our good friends here will be definitely posted to the west coast . We will really be missing them. I guess that means there are going to be some more big lifestyle changes around here. We spend about every second weekend with them so I don't know what we will do. I am not happy for us, but it is what they wanted so I am happy for them.
Work is actually going pretty well, It has changed quite a lot since I left and not all in bad ways. I was really dreading going back but it is quite a bit easier than staying home with Ian. There sure aren't a lot of minutes in the day, though!
So I tried to make a video of Ian clapping today, or a video of him walking around and around the living room chair, but he wouldn't do it when I tried to video him. My mom taught him to smile for the camera, so every time I try to video him he stops whatever he is doing and smiles. Very cute for photos but inconvenient for taping of new baby tricks. But I will have a go at it again tomorrow. Until then, here is a good one I got of him smiling for Mommy!

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