Blog of Housewifery

I like to knit
I like to bake
But I'm a MOM
That takes the cake!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Stress Fracture

I have been so stressed out lately, I feel like I am holding on by the skin of my teeth. The staying home thing has not been working out, and we came to the decision that I have to go back to work. I got a job at an amusement park but the hours were unreliable and it was only for the summer, so I looked for another job. Looking for work is never fun, but luckily I did get a job.

So I am dealing with starting a new job, dealing with child care issues, and then quitting another job. That part was hard because the park owners are really nice people and I hate leaving them in the lurch like that.

I have been working but as of yet, no paychecks. And we have things all over the house that need fixing, the car needs repairs, and now the new washing machine is not draining and I can't figure out why. Which particularly sucks because I now have dirty work clothes!

Plus on top of all that, we have a spare room that is basically a storage depository, and a whole bunch of guests coming in August. Now, I don't want people to feel bad about coming, it is great that they are and we are looking forward to it! The room would not get emptied without this prompting, so it is a good thing, but still, that is a lot of stuff to get rid of. Maybe I need the Clean Sweep guys to come....

Canning season is about to start, and I don't know how I am going to find time to do that. And my potted deck garden is getting big, but I haven't put it outside yet. Ian needs to get into swimming lessons, and we need to find the cash for that. And we need to go to the dentist as well.

Even my knitting is stressing me out because I seem to be acquiring yarn at an unheard of pace (surprisingly not by me purchasing it; I am just surrounded by wonderfully generous people!) and I don't have the time to knit it!

I also have parcels to mail out that I haven't gotten around to preparing, let alone mailing. And so on and so on and so on....

Whew. I don't think I mentioned everything.... but I feel better for getting that off my chest! I really need to get back into posting here more often. I like having the record of events available for perusing later on.

Now... what to have for supper?

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