Anyway, I am trying to be chronological but the really big news happened today. Ian was standing on the radiator looking out the window, and he fell off, and knocked his front tooth out. so that's why he's gonna be a pirate next year. I called the dentist already. I guess it happens all the time. It will grow back. In like 6 years. Oh well. I am really not that upset about that as the same thing happened to my sister when she was little. And she turned out all right. She's not a freak or anything. Trav was really upset. I told him so what it just means that he will have to take hockey lessons instead of saxophone lessons. I have a picture of Ian taken a couple days ago with a big smile and one from today. You can't really see it in the pic from today, but believe me it's pretty gross. I will try and get a better one in a few days or so.
In better news, I have a pic of the last xstitch i finished. I actually did it a while ago but I just framed it and tried to give it away. It keeps ending up back here though. I am also finished another one as well for a friend, pics will follow. And I am really churning out the dishcloths. I also made myself a tea cozy. I think I may have put that up here already but I can't go back to the main page and check it right now so I will just go ahead and post another pic.
So I better post the pics and run, I want to watch heroes with my full attention tonight. I will try to be more faithful to my blog. I also want to update some of my lists and stuff and get the place ready for the holidays. But then again, I always say that.
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