We finally had our first snow on Monday, we had a lot of fun with it. We shoveled and made a snow man, and pushed Ian into the snow. Mwa hahahaha. I know he was having a good time because he cried when it came time to bring him back in. I have included pics of Daddy and Ian and also our Crazy Snowman. Ok, he's not that crazy. He's kinda boring. But he melted already. It has since resnowed and it has just occurred to me I am going to find a rotten carrot on my front lawn in the spring. Oh well. Fertilizer I guess.
We also went to see Santa. It wasn't too much of an ordeal. Ian did not cry, but he did try to get away. In the end the pic is taken next to Santa not on Santa's lap, and I can't believe how big he looks! Especially if you go back and compare him to last year.
We put up our tree yesterday as well. Ian "helped". He actually didn't hurt it much. We set it up last night right before Ian went to bed, so today will be the real test. We left off the glass ornaments this year, everything we put on the tree is unbreakable. We also used our fake tree because we didn't want the extra work of a real one this year. We are busy enough as it is.
Ian has a play date today. He's quite the playa, what with his girlfriend Sydney and now he's got a date with this Alyssa. Anyway, we're going over there later today for som Mommies Time and they can play a bit too.
In other news, last week I achieved my Infant and Child (and adult) CPR and First Aid. So I am practically a doctor now. Ha ha. Anyway, I am in the process of getting qualified to become a home daycare so I can stay home with Ian starting in January or February. I will be taking in 1 or 2 other kids and with the money I will save on taking Ian to a babysitter I should break even. This sudden career change was prompted by my amazing and wonderful babysitter deciding to move to Moncton. I have a new one lined up for January but I am hoping to get him out of there quickly and keep him home with me.
Well, I am off. I of course have included lots of pics and a link to some videos. If you check my wierd list on the left you will notice some new items of interest. My particular fave is the Indian music video. I am also decorating for Christmas and I think I will put some music on. Hope you like it!