Ian has a girlfriend! Her name is Sydney and she's about 10 months old I think. I ask him who he played with today, and he says "ninney". So they're an item. He gives her a kiss each morning when I drop him off. It's cute.
In other news, Nova Scotia has finally allowed Sunday Shopping! Woo Hoo! So no more braving huge crowds on Saturday to pick up groceries. And not just groceries, but the province has gone Whole Hog and enabled all shopping, so malls and Walmart and Home Depot will all be open. And none too soon. I blame the lack of Sunday Shopping for my partially water-sealed deck. We began water sealing it on a Sunday after having purchased a gallon of Thompson's Water Seal on Saturday. We ran out halfway across the deck and of course, it being Sunday, we could not purchase a gallon of Thompson's Water Seal to do the rest. So it remains half finished to this day. Maybe this weekend.
Any Hoo, here's a pic of my scabbidy old wash cloth. Please no orders for more. It will take a week for my wrist to recover from this one!